Up coming at Black Rose

Monday: screening Bastard Boys:11899749_10153516251196505_4019853934393249204_n

A dramatisation of the epic 1998 Waterfront Struggle between the MUA and a government determined to smash the unions. A working class fight against the Liberal Party, the Farmers Federation, and SAS scabs.

Screening starts at 7pm

Tuesday:  Sex Work and Radical Politics.
An introduction to current radical thought about sex worker organising. Elena Jeffreys chairing, speakers include SWOP NSW and Scarlet Alliance. Discussing sex worker organising, and the latest law reform issues in New South Wales.

Discussion starts at 7pm

Thursday:  Wom*n and non-binary folk night.

Autonomously organised events.  Starts from 5pm.

Saturday:  Free Spanish language 
¿Como de dice <dumpster diving> en espanol?

Get the basics of Spanish and something else in a relaxed environment. All levels are welcome but we will start from the very basics. We will discuss culture too. All with a focus on Latin America. Planning on inviting compañeros from different countries to talk about their local Spanish and culture, including some food if feeling really inspired maybe?

Come and share what you know, your ideas to make it fun, your questions, thoughts, bring a friend, feel free to suggest topics in advance.

Every Saturday starting 17.00 until we get tired (i.e. 18.30 app).

aus_map_covered_text_linedMonday:  Labour History in Australia

Labour in Oceania’s position in the world system before Invasion.  What was your face before your mother was born?  Can there be a working class in Australia before there was an Australia? Before there was a working class?

Weekly Theme:

What was the composition of labour prior to the invasion of Oceania?
Did labour exist in Aboriginal cultures?
Did labour exist in Torres Strait islander culture?
How did labour exist in Maori cultures?
Labour in European military and trading ships, its composition
Labour and the working class in the isles of britain:
Position of the Irish and Scottish (a Scottish foreman is most desirable)
Enclosure of English agriculture and the working class’s composition
Urban and Mining working classes in the Isles of Britain

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